PREDICTOR aims to provide 17 doctoral candidates with the scientific and complementary skills they will need for a career in the field of electrochemical energy storage.
They will receive a firm grounding in the scientific skills needed for their individual project work, and a unique understanding of the interface between modelling and simulation, high-throughput experimentation / characterization and self-optimization and data management over different length scales from nano to the macroscopic level. Training in entrepreneurship will help them to progress from theoretical to practical knowledge, and industrial secondments will allow them to experience different schools of thoughts and implement their knowledge in an industrial setting.
Local-level training
Each project partner will provide training to its recruited researchers based on their individual needs. This will involve:
Network-level training
Seven network-wide training units will be held during the project, aiming to provide the recruited doctoral candidates with the interdisciplinary knowledge needed to transfer their results into industrial applications:
Funded by the European Union (Grant Agreement no. 101168943).
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